“God, You Want Me To Do What?”

Rev. Jim Addy • March 13, 2022

YouTube video
First Baptist Church of Newark
First Baptist Church of Newark
"God, You Want Me To Do What?"

READ Deuteronomy 31:1-9

There may be times in our life that God calls us to step out in faith. Sometimes we don’t realize it. We call it fate, or we say things happen for a reason, or this great opportunity has presented itself. But then there are times when he speaks to you in a still small voice, troubling your spirit. Go feed them, go clothe them, go lead them, go follow them or take a stand for what is right when everyone else is not. Protect the unprotected, help the helpless or just be present.

When God tells you to step out in faith 3 things occur:

  • I don’t know the whole plan (I lose control of what’s going on.)
  • It doesn’t make sense in human logic (others.)
  • It has an opportunity to see God perform the impossible

God says be strong and courageous. Trust me, don’t be afraid. Don’t be anxious. But I’m human…I get afraid and I get anxious of the unknown, of being out of control of things not making sense to me or to others and I’m petrified of God doing the supernatural, the impossible, because what if he doesn’t?

Fear is normal and okay as long as it is overcome by faith.