When Jesus Is Your Rock

Rev. Jim Addy • July 10, 2022

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First Baptist Church of Newark
First Baptist Church of Newark
When Jesus Is Your Rock

Read Matthew 16:13-20 NIV

In today’s passage Jesus wants you to understand that your foundation matters. What is it that anchors you, holds you firm when the storms of life strike?

Jesus and his disciples are in the region of Caesarea Philippi which is 25 miles outside of Galilee. Galilee is a mostly Jewish area, its people are synagogue attending, torah believing followers of God, Abraham, Isaac and Moses. But Caesarea Philippi is mostly gentiles. The backdrop to this teaching is idols and temples made for other gods and the people were not wanting to convert to Judaism or believe in the one true God, their creator. They liked their way of living.

This is where Jesus asks the question “Who do the people say the Son of Man is? He’s asking who do people say I am? And they answer “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  

Some say is everyone’s opinion. In today’s information age, everyone has an opinion.