Who Else But Jesus?

Rev. Jim Addy • September 11, 2022

YouTube video

Read John 6:60-69 (NLT)

Who do I follow? Who can I trust?

9-11-2001 8:14 AM 9/11 Terrorist attack on America which brought fear, chaos and trust issues. Today is the 21st anniversary of that attack. It seems there is so much noise and chaos in the world today. If we look at history it has always existed, but at different levels.

Noises, voices, claiming to be true. We have news stations, replaced by talk shows, replaced by podcasts, replaced by social media, replaced by YouTube or now Tik Tok. All clamoring for attention, all claiming to having the truth or some small fraction of it.

And buried deep in the middle of all the noise is this one truth “GOD so Loved!” God so loved, that he gave, if we believe, we receive eternal life. Pretty crazy, pretty simple, but it’s too easy, today’s passage is just three chapters after Jesus spoke the words in John 3:16, but now in John chapter six, it’s too hard…